social sweethearts GmbH
Main Office / Sitz:
Karl-Valentin-Straße 17,
D - 82031 Grünwald, Germany

Registration court & No. / Registergericht & Nr.:
Amtsgericht München (Munich), HRB 238552
Managing Directors/Alleinvertretungsberechtigte Geschäftsführer:
Daniel Minini, Steffen Dörsam

phone/Tel.: +49(0)211 436 91166
VAT-ID-No./Ust-ID-Nr.: DE815082923

We use images from Getty Images.
We use images from Imago Images.

Static parts of certain result graphics and/or texts of tests and quiz games results might be created and composed by our content team with OpenAI’s technology (e.g. DALL-E 2). For the avoidance of doubt: OpenAI does NOT have access to your profile picture/your data.

Make people smile.

Our world-class team is growing continuously. Become a part of the social sweethearts success story: we look forward to receiving your application 🙂

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